Nimbos are looking for fresh air in our cities
How Nimbo reacts to air pollutants data?
Every day, the Nimbos breathe the air around them, immediately adapting to the amount of pollutants in it. They have two different types of reactions to air quality data.
One is immediate, primarily affecting their mood, while the other is slower and deeper, involving changes in their bodily tissues. The same applies to small fireflies and plants that are always around them wherever they are.
The Nimbos are fuelled by air quality data provided by Google through its API ↗.For each city where a Nimbo resides, the API is queried once a day. We utilize the synthetic indexCAQI ↗, which is based on the concentration of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5)
The effects of air quality and pollutant concentration on the Nimbos' bodies are loosely inspired by effects described in literature on the human body. The Nimbos do not represent the actual human body's response to polluted air but symbolize its risks for awareness purposes.
Nimbos is generated by The Visual Agency thanks to KIUU
KIUU is a platform that automatically generates animated videos (motion graphics) using external data sources and textual information. By harnessing automation, KIUU facilitates the creation of large volumes of personalized, high-quality videos.
The platform enables linking an animated template to a data stream using an API, resulting in the creation of data-driven videos as needed, whether it's a few dozen per month or hundreds per day.
Moreover, KIUU has the capability to automatically publish content across a wide range of platforms, including FTP spaces, CMSs, and directly onto all major social media platforms.